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Soundbot Bluetooth Speakers (Blue)

38.49 $

High definition Bluetooth 3.0 audio wireless connectivity with seamless streaming and 6 hours of playtime
Universal compatibility with Android and iPhone tablets, smartphones, iPods, MP3, MP4 and other Bluetooth enabled digital players
Easy access to Handfree Talking / Volume up / Volume down / fast forward (skip) / Backward / Pause / Play / Power buttons
Water resistant loud speaker and built-in mic for both outdoor and indoor use
Don’t let the water stop you from enjoying your favorite music, great companion for beach, poolside, on boat, shower room, bathtub, or kitchen.

In stock


High definition Bluetooth 3.0 audio wireless connectivity with seamless streaming and 6 hours of playtime.
Universal compatibility with Android and iPhone tablets, smartphones, iPods, MP3, MP4 and other Bluetooth enabled digital players.

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