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Nexxt AMP 300 Router

65.99 $

High-power router for increased coverage
Delivers wireless speeds up to 300Mbps
Features one (1) WAN and four (4) LAN 10/100Mbps ports
Wireless router, AP, WISP repeater and repeater
Green AP – transmission power control
Multiple SSID simultaneous transmission
Single and multiple port forwarding
VPN and FTP pass through
Extensive filtering options: IP, MAC, URL, Host, QQ
Bandwidth control prioritizes trafic for bandwidth intense applications
Advanced wireless encrypted security
WDS wireless bridge to easily connect and expand your network

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SKU: ARN02304U8 Categories: , Tags: , ,


The Amp300 router delivers superior wireless performance based on 802.11n technology. This router emerges as a true all-in-one solution by bringing together a wireless access point, a four-port switch and firewall. The three antennas provide powerful coverage that penetrates walls and eliminates dead spots, ideal for large homes, open spaces, offices and hard to reach areas.

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