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4.05 $

  • Only 5 calories
  • Crystal Light On The Go Peach Iced Tea has 90% fewer calories than leading beverages
  • Crystal Light On The Go Peach Iced Tea is a kosher product, 99% caffeine free (15 mg of caffeine per serving), is low in sodium and gluten free

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SKU: 0-43000-95077-7 Category:


Water has never tasted so decadent. With a medley of delectable flavors, Launched in 1982, Crystal Light puts a bold spin on “diet drinks” and introduces you to a lighter way to live. Create a delicious refreshment with our mixes – whether you and your 4-inch heels are turning sidewalks into catwalks or you’re meeting the ladies for an after-work gossip session. So let that hair down, put on that mini skirt and enjoy low calorie, zero guilt Crystal Light.


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