How Shop Works


5.81 $

  • Classic, delicious balance of crispy, wheat bran flakes and plump, juicy raisins never ceases to make morning amazing
  • Made with whole grain wheat, wheat bran, and all-natural raisins
  • 7-grams of fiber per 190-calorie serving
  • 13 essential vitamins and minerals

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SKU: 0-38000-87010-1 Category:


Start off your day off right with a classic cereal your whole family will love. Each spoonful of Kellogg’s Raisin Bran contains a delicious blend of crispy wheat bran flakes and plump, juicy raisins for natural sweetness. Made with healthy whole-grain wheat and bran flakes, this cereal packs seven grams of fiber and 13 essential vitamins and minerals into each serving. Loaded with 25% of your daily B vitamins, iron, folic acid, and more–along with 29% of your daily fiber, Kellogg’s Raisin Bran delivers the fuel your family needs to stay energized and focused throughout the day–all in a simple pour and serve meal.

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