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2.70 $

  • COCOZIA 100% Organic Coconut Water, 12 Pack
  • Contains a natural abundance of potassium and magnesium, as well as other electrolytes.
  • USDA Organic Certified, Natural Coconut Water.
  • NON GMO Verified, Gluten Free, Vegan.
  • Kosher Coconut Water

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SKU: 8-50144-00411-8 Category:


HYDRATION Pure and simple, hydration is essential to life. COCOZIA® Organic Coconut Water is exactly that: a pure, natural hydration source containing not only water from the green coconut, but essential electrolytes too. ELECTROLYTES COCOZIA® contains a natural abundance of potassium and magnesium, as well as other electrolytes. Electrolytes are directly involved with body hydration and muscle function. Better to get yours from a natural source like COCOZIA® than from a sugary, synthetic sports drink alternative. COCONUT WITH A STRAW That’s how they drink coconut water in the islands, but fortunately, COCOZIA® has made it a little easier for you here! All the natural elements and flavor, without the need to carry a coconut to your work-out!

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